How do you remove odors from conditioned enclosures?

Activated charcoal, the same air filtering agent used in gas masks, removes odors from normal industrial and commercial enclosures. When used for recirculated air filtration, the recovery of air by activated carbon suppresses the need for the addition of external air. It is more economical to recirculate or reuse air that is already at proper temperature and humidity than to heat or cool new air from outside. Activated carbon is found in cartridges or in panels. Both types are installed in ducts, boxes or chambers. Air recovery units should always be protected by dry air filters to avoid clogging of the active carbon. The carbon is placed in the return ducts of conditioned rooms or in the discharge outlets of kitchens, stoves etc., to prevent odors from being introduced in neighboring environments. Removal of odors, dust, smoke, pollen, and other contaminants constitute air purification. Generally, it is achieved by placing filters, activated charcoal, scrubbers etc. In the air stream.