Refrigeration and air conditioning: what’s the difference and how to choose

 Refrigeration and air conditioning are two related concepts, but they are not synonymous. Refrigeration is the process of reducing and controlling the temperature of a product, process, or environment, for conservation, quality, safety, or production purposes. Air conditioning is the process of adapting the air conditions in an environment, considering not only temperature, but also humidity, speed, purity, and air distribution. Therefore, refrigeration is one aspect of air conditioning, but not the only one.

To choose between refrigeration and air conditioning, it is necessary to evaluate the needs and expectations of each case. For example, if the objective is simply to keep a product or process at a suitable temperature, refrigeration may be sufficient. But if the objective is also to provide comfort, health and well-being for the people who frequent the environment, air conditioning may be more suitable.

Refrigeration and air conditioning are important processes for various sectors, such as food, pharmaceutical, chemical, metallurgical, textile, etc. Therefore, it is essential to choose the most appropriate, efficient and safe system for each case.