Main refrigerant gases used in refrigeration

 The main refrigerant gases used in refrigeration are substances that change their physical state according to the refrigeration cycle, and can be liquid or gaseous. They are responsible for absorbing and releasing heat from the environment, providing the desired cooling or heating.

There are several types of refrigerant gases, which can be classified according to their chemical composition, their global warming potential (GWP), their energy efficiency, their thermal stability, their compatibility with equipment, and their safety. for people and the environment.

Some of the best known refrigerant gases used in refrigeration are:

- R-22: is an HCFC (hydrochlorofluorocarbon) that is used in residential air conditioning systems and low and medium temperature commercial refrigeration. It has a high GWP and is being replaced by other more environmentally friendly gases such as R-410A and R-32¹.

- R-410A: is an HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) that is used in high-efficiency air conditioning and commercial refrigeration systems. It has a moderate GWP and is considered one of the most stable and reliable gases on the market².

- R-404A: is an HFC that is used in low and medium temperature commercial and industrial refrigeration systems, such as cold rooms, supermarket displays, and refrigerated transport. It has a high GWP and is being replaced by other gases with a lower environmental impact, such as R-448A and R-449A².

- R-134A: is an HFC that is used in domestic, commercial, and automotive refrigeration systems, such as refrigerators, freezers, and car air conditioning. It has a moderate GWP and is one of the most versatile and compatible gases on the market².

- R-717: is ammonia, an NH3 (nitrogen hydride) that is used in large industrial refrigeration systems, such as refrigerators, dairies, breweries, and chemical industries. It has a zero GWP and is one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly gases on the market, but it is also toxic, flammable, and corrosive, requiring special care in handling and installation³.

- R-718: it is water, an H2O (oxygen hydride) that is used in absorption refrigeration systems, which use heat as an energy source, instead of electricity. It has a zero GWP and is one of the most sustainable and economical gases on the market, but it also has a low refrigeration capacity and requires high pressures to operate³.

These are some of the main refrigerant gases used in refrigeration, but there are many others, such as hydrocarbons (R-600A, R-290, etc.), HFOs (hydrofluoroolefins, such as R-1234yf, R-1234ze, etc.) , and gas mixtures (blends, such as R-407C, R-507A, etc.). Each one has its characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and specific applications, which must be considered when choosing the best gas for each case.