Capacitors are components that store energy in an electric field. For compressor applications are called two types of capacitors: starting and running. The starting capacitors start only at the start of the compressor and are then disconnected from the circuit by means of a relay (special for application). The function of this capacitor is to give the motor a high starting torque which is normally required in cooling systems where the pressures are not fully equalized such as in commercial products. Specifying a starting capacitor for a compressor requires thorough engineering and testing.
Gear capacitors are used in compressors that have electric motors designed exclusively for use with this component. These are connected in series with the compressor starter coil and remain on even after the motor has reached rated speed. Its use increases engine efficiency by reducing energy consumption. When a capacitor with capacitance other than the specified capacitor is used, the lower the efficiency of the compressor, resulting in higher power consumption.